Compare prescription drug coverage plans available for your individual needs. Participants will receive a printout that compares their top three plans and instructions on how to enroll in the plan they choose.
Compare prescription drug coverage plans available for your individual needs. Participants will receive a printout that compares their top three plans and instructions on how to enroll in the plan they choose.
Compare prescription drug coverage plans available for your individual needs. Participants will receive a printout that compares their top three plans and instructions on how to enroll in the plan they choose.
Interested in learning to play chess or want to find someone to play with over a board? Plymouth Library Chess Club is back and looking for chess players 6th grade to adult who are interested in casual chess. Chess sets are provided bu
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Library events may be recorded in photo and/or video. By attending one of our events or programs, you consent to being photographed or recorded. These images and recordings may be used for promotional purposes both in print and online, including our social media channels.
Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services, who are planning to attend Library programs or meetings, should notify the Library Director, Shauna Anderson at or 734-453-0750 ext. 218. Reasonable advance notice is required.
Join us for an exciting virtual chat with the highly-acclaimed and award winning novelist, Geraldine Brooks in conversation about her most recent New York Times Bestselling novel Horse.