Dice Towers (Teens)

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Allowed Ages: 13 to 18

Program Description

Specific Event Details

Join us in The Lab to design your very own custom dice tower for your favorite game using our Glowforge laser cutter! During the session, you'll have the chance to personalize your design, which will be laser-cut and ready for pick-up within two weeks after the event. 


Photography & Accessibility Information

Library events may be recorded in photo and/or video.  By attending one of our events or programs, you consent to being photographed or recorded. These images and recordings may be used for promotional purposes both in print and online, including our social media channels. 

Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services, who are planning to attend Library programs or meetings, should notify the Library Director, Shauna Anderson at sanderson@plymouthlibrary.org or 734-453-0750 ext. 218.  Reasonable advance notice is required.