Craft & Hobby Swap

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Program Description

Specific Event Details

Clean out your craft closet and discover new interests with our Craft & Hobby Swap! From May 1st - 30th, drop off your gently used craft & hobby supplies at the Reader's Advisory Desk and receive a voucher. On May 31st from 10AM-12PM, swap your voucher for a shopping bag and shop the organized donations! Any supplies remaining after 12PM are available for anyone to take!

Ideas for donations include (but are not limited to)...

  • Fine Art Tools (pens, pencils, crayons, paintbrushes, pastels, charcoal, etc.)
  • Paper Materials (journals, scrapbooking, coloring books, etc.)
  • Fiber Arts (yarn, fabric, embroidery materials, etc.)
  • Bakeware (cookie cutters, decorating tools, etc.)
  • Beadwork (beads, string, wire cutters, etc.)
  • 3-D Art (miniatures, models, sculpture, ceramics, etc.)

Please do not bring any items that are...

  • Heavily used or damaged
  • Have strong or toxic odors
  • Dangerously displayed (open knives, loose sewing needles, etc.)
  • Food items that could expire / decompose.


Photography & Accessibility Information

Library events may be recorded in photo and/or video.  By attending one of our events or programs, you consent to being photographed or recorded. These images and recordings may be used for promotional purposes both in print and online, including our social media channels. 

Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services, who are planning to attend Library programs or meetings, should notify the Library Director, Shauna Anderson at or 734-453-0750 ext. 218.  Reasonable advance notice is required.