Seniors - This is your opportunity to sign up for tax preparation assistance from AARP. Drop in any time from 10am-12pm on January 16, 17 or 25; library volunteers will help you reserve a TaxAide appointment &
Children are naturally curious and learn best when they actively engage with their environment and use all their senses! They will learn about different textures and materials in a way they learn best.
Photography & Accessibility Information
Library events may be recorded in photo and/or video. By attending one of our events or programs, you consent to being photographed or recorded. These images and recordings may be used for promotional purposes both in print and online, including our social media channels.
Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services, who are planning to attend Library programs or meetings, should notify the Library Director, Shauna Anderson at or 734-453-0750 ext. 218. Reasonable advance notice is required.
Engaged Adult Participation
This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop offs will not be permitted.
Drop by for a fun and engaging STEM activity from the Lab after Plymouth-Canton Community Schools' half-day! Enjoy hands-on learning and explore new skills in science, technology, engineering, and math.
Photography & Accessibility Information
Library events may be recorded in photo and/or video. By attending one of our events or programs, you consent to being photographed or recorded. These images and recordings may be used for promotional purposes both in print and online, including our social media channels.
Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services, who are planning to attend Library programs or meetings, should notify the Library Director, Shauna Anderson at or 734-453-0750 ext. 218. Reasonable advance notice is required.
Accompanying Adult to Remain at Library
This program is designed for children to participate on their own; however, accompanying adults are asked to remain in the library for the duration of the program.