English Language Learners (ELL) Reading Group
If you are an adult English language learner and want to practice word pronunciation and increase your vocabulary, please join us! We'll read materials at the high beginner level, and then discuss them. Friendly tutors will select the readings and answer questions on meaning or pronunciation. Please register for this online program, including an email address. Instructions on how to join the Zoom meeting will be emailed to you. This meeting is an extension of the conversation group - you can come to one or both, and the Zoom link is the same.
Page by Page: an Intermediate ELL Book Club
Teen Dungeons & Dragons
Teens! Looking for adventure, excitement, and a chance to roll some dice? Send an email to teenlibrarians@plymouthlibrary.org to join our Dungeons and Dragons group! You'll receive an invitation to join our Discord, where we play over voice chat, and post links to our Roll20 games.